Friday, August 6, 2021

Ordered Steps.

Off the main road down on another stretch it's pit dark i can barely see. I decide to just go slow and smooth to avoid tripping. I met a guy  coming out of the dreadful maze. What a sigh of relief for him. My gaze straight and my senses capturing my surrounding. Am watching every step to make sure my feet coordinate properly. I can see some trees around me with grotesque features. The only hope i have is to reach my destination. Am halfway through after am done with a corner. I still continue with my current plight , still  going down the hill. I avoid switching my phone flashlight it seems like a very nerve racking task in line with my current predicament. The light would also attract some attention of i don't know who or what 😱😱👀. I hear some movement in a bush just before me. Am afraid my heart starts to pound i try to make my eyes see through the dark , i look back immediately and see no one but just more darkness. I remember the LORD is my shepherd , even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil. I decide to continue with the journey after that assurance. Taking very calculated moves i finally reach at the bottom of the slope, jump a small river and am on the other side. Am almost there can't wait. I can see some light.


This phrase " One Step at a time " is quite easily said than done. I've learnt that to take watchful calculated steps is better than rushing over the whole idea. Even though i couldn't see clearly in my journey i decided to keep moving and consider the steps i took. Sometimes in life we are looking to get somewhere in life , we seek to get there so bad that we forget to ponder on the path our feet need to take.We appreciate success by the speed used in arriving at the destination and  not considering the journey itself. What we had to learn and unlearn.

Proverbs 4:26

Ponder [ consider, think about, watch] the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. 

Their is beauty in taking a step at a time. Don't get me wrong i don't mean laziness or dillydallying. I mean ordered and strategic steps to your destination or goal.

You might be in a dark unclear place in life. You might not see the entire road clearly as you would desire . It calls for trusting in God who is above all. He is able to order your steps.

Psalms 119:133

Order my steps in your word and let not sin have dominion over me.


My prayer is that we would invite God to order our steps in life. Don't give up. It doesn't matter what ditch you are in He is able to pull you out. You will surely celebrate the journey and the destination once you have arrived.

The is one Chinese Proverb that says,   "It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward." Jordin Sparks also says , "It's the faith that makes you stronger ,The only way you get there , Is one step at a time."

Psalms 37: 23

The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD and he delighteth in his way.

Thanks for reading. Lets pray...

Father in Jesus Name i pray that you order my steps according to your word. Show me the way i should go for unto you i lift up my soul. Give me wisdom to ponder the path of my feet. AMEN.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

People Pleasing Syndrome.

I just find myself saying Yes to these people who deserve a big No. Why do I always find myself agreeing to all these requests? I know I can't do them all, but I need to try. Yes I can do it, I managed last time. I think I can squeeze up my schedule to fix this up. Is it really my responsibility ,I am not really aware of that? I had not planned for it but I could try. I guess I got confused when I was asked that question. Why in this whole world did I agree to such a task? I think am going nuts. I had the answer it was a No  but I just don't know what happened to me I just found myself saying Yes. Sounds like all the clutter in my mind clears up after I have said Yes. Poor me 
I know by now you are getting a hint of my current predicament. Am a people pleaser that's it. I just discovered am trapped in making others happy.
Have you ever found yourself in such scenarios? If the answer is Yes just keep reading, well if its a No keep reading too you could help someone out  This is what it means, to please other people and forfeit your own self. Have you ever found yourself portraying certain attributes just to get some approval from men. Maybe you do it consciously or unconsciously. This calls for us to backtrack our steps and search for another road that leads to freedom. Freedom for our own selves.
We need to keep everything in balance. We should not please others to our own ruin.
Don't be afraid to lose people. Be afraid of loosing yourself in the pursuit of pleasing others.

Tips to avoid from falling into the people pleasing trap
1.Become Self Aware
This calls for you to dig deep within yourself and understand why you do things the way you do them i.e. your personal truths, thoughts, motives of even helping out and your feelings.
Make sure you take some time to think about a certain decision you are making. Don't say Yes at a go think about it first.
3.Realise you can't help everyone.
People pleasers think they are the new super heroes in town. They think they can solve every problem people have which is not the case.
4.Set clear boundaries.
Boundaries will help you understand where you begin and where you end. Make sure the decision you have made does not interfere the boundaries you have set for yourself.
5.Say No politely.
Saying a polite No should not be considered rude or unpolite. You just need to own up to that decision make sure you do not apologize if your not on the wrong side.
Lets seek to do what's appropriate for ourselves and also help others out when we are in a position to do so.
Happy New month guys
Thanks for reading.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Why use Technology in our Classrooms ?

Integrating tech in our classroom sounded like a very off idea recently. Having a student and a teacher in two different locations? Attending a class on zoom? Submitting my assignment on Google classroom? Emailing my teacher/lecturer? Having exams online? Is this possible? This is what has been currently witnessed by a lot of students. It was something we didn’t see coming.  I understand they are some students who were already interacted with the above platforms even before the pandemic stuck but we have another group that has had to undergo total revolution.

The idea of not being in a physical class and yet marking yourself present in google classroom, lifting your hand virtually on zoom when you have a question, clapping for your teacher or just leaving a comment in the comment section has now become the order of the day for students when having online classes. Seems like the pandemic just awakened the use of tech in our classrooms.

Some of the benefits of using tech include:

1.Better Teacher to Student engagements.

The use of tech has enhanced easy communication since the student can directly raise a concern they have to the teacher. This helps the teacher understand the various learning patterns of the students. Some learning platforms i.e. Google Classroom even provide the private comment section where students ask queries without interfering with the entire class.

On the other hand, students are also able to engage with each other through groups and share information with each other easily.

Learning has become more fun i.e.  Use of power point presentations and game tools such as Kahoot breaks the monotony of regular lectures.

2.Wider and Deeper knowledge Access.

Students can now be able to acquire a lot of learning materials online such as PDF’s, Podcasts YouTube videos and tutorials. Rather than just relying in the printed copies available in their schools.

3.Learning out of School made easy.

Incase a student is sick or has failed to attend a class due to various reasons they are able to access learning material Online. This means the student can learn from whichever location they are in and the teacher as well is able to grade their work and follow up.

4.Portrays the real World of Work.

Exposing students to the use of tech helps them learn a lot when they are in school because in the real world of work they will use tech.  Offices are normally filled with computers, tablets and desktops. Little paper work is done in offices.

Probably by now you wondering what about the Cons of using technology. I decided to concentrate on the benefits today. I agree we have had cases of students accessing dangerous information online.  This calls for proper management in schools and at home.  I believe as the world is evolving we cannot overlook the need of use of technology. We need to embrace it positively and use it to benefit us. Students are always using technology why not reach them where they are at?

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


They are people who are already living the life you intend to live in the next five or ten years to come. They have attained a  certain degree of success say in their career , ministry, business ,parenting or in any other  kind of field you so desire to succeed in. The question is How did they get there , What formula did they use , What inspired their success ,What kept them going ,What discouraged them, What was their biggest challenges and how were they able to overcome. I know it seems like a whole sack of questions.
Maybe you're wondering me ask questions 😨😨 that's not happening. What if I could submit to you that asking the right questions to the right people would push  you up that ladder.
Wisdom is getting around the people who are where you want to be and asking them questions until you really get it.

Otto Von Bismark says Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others. Choose to be wise and learn from those who have gone ahead of you. Bring to your attention the need of becoming  inquisitive. You might be stuck on that project and feel so disappointed about yourself all you need is just to inquire.
Seek to have the information you need. Refuse good advice and watch your plans fail; take good counsel and watch them succeed.
The problem is sometimes we have lost so much touch of ourselves we are unaware of our ignorance. Becoming inquisitive takes intentional practice .We can share in the comment section instances where we have asked the right questions and how they have contributed to our life. Thanks always for reading see you next time we will continue to learn how to develop an inquisitive mind.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

When we are expecting a lot from others

People are resources and some of them carry our blessings.They are needed in our lives to catapult us to the next level.They might actually be answers to the prayers we so desperately make.Here is a disclaimer!

What happens when we expect too much from them,what happens when we envision them scoring higher than what we are actually getting from them.What if their perfomance does not meet our expectation.What if they score below average and sometimes they even score zero.Quite disappointing i know.😒😒😒

Does this mean we will shatter and fall only because the people we have graded too highly are the ones scoring the least in the leaders board.What if they have decided to be in the game but taken a back seat and they are watching us from a far.What if this people are meant to receive from us and not give to us as we wish.


What if are the ones carrying the blessing and yet we have positioned ourselves on the receiving end.It is more blessed to give than receive(Acts 20:35b). How determined are you to give than receive from others.How about you start scoring higher points by giving to this people you are expecting to give to you.How about you stop putting a lot of expectations on others and start demanding a lot more from yourself.How about you chase those dreams and goals you've been so wanting to achieve this year.By the end of it all i believe you will have greater results than murmuring and grumbling about how people cant be trusted.How about you put yourself together from every disappointment you've had from people and now use all your energy on you.

Work on you and make sure you extend Love to others.

Blessed is he who expects nothing,for he shall never be disappointed ~ Alexander Pope

Ordered Steps.

Off the main road down on another stretch it's pit dark i can barely see. I decide to just go slow and smooth to avoid tripping. I met a...